The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Thursday, February 09, 2006


We have been blaming junk foods a lot for obesity, unfortunately they are not the only ones who should be blamed.

Apparently in the past, children were exposed to much more sweets and bad foods. Children were given load of cakes, tart that were made by their moms with full cream milk after meals, and the principal meals were usually with lots of meats, fries, and lots of different creamy sauces. However, children were much more active with physical activities than now. They would run out and played all day. I remembered when I was small, me and my sister used to sneak out of the house to pick flowers, to steal eggs in the bamboo bushes(I am not proud of course, but it was fun), to climb on guava or plum tree to pick fruits.

Of course technology has helped us to work with less and less physical enegy, most of the production process is automated...Kids spent more time to play computer games than actually go out on the playground. So, we don't get fat because of junk foods but because of the convenience of things.

Talking about kids, recently I have heard about babies almost at 100% of conversations ;-). One of my Vnese brother's wife is two months pregnant, and I am asked to be the "God-mother", so, I have been painting and re-making a baby cradle from an old arty cradle that I found on the Sunday market in Place Jeu de Ball. It's gonna be so beautiful as a gift. Well, I am probably not gonna be here in October when she gives birth though ;-( (talking about that, the baby will be born same month as me ;-)) . That makes me think of baby names ;-), if I have a girl later, I will definitely name her "Dharma".

Yeah, babies and pregnant women ;-), they have become a potential market apparently. Since women have become more independent, their jobs are reasons for them to look good during their pregnancy ;-), and on the top of that, their income also allows them to do so.

Another trendy thing, but nothing to do with babies ;-) is private restaurant, where one cook will receive about 10 persons to his or her home and cook for them. Guests can even bring their own wines. The concept is launched in HongKong during the South-East Asian financial crisis, where most people found themselves out of business, and private restaurant is a way to survive. Hygenic standards are not important for this sort of places, providing the place has a relax, friendly, cosy atmosphere, where you can enjoy good foods, and drink your own wines, talking to other people about foods and drinks ;-P. The concept is now coming to London, I guess soon it will be big here.

That probably is something I want to do at the begining if I open a restaurant, lowest starting budget and cost ;-).


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