The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Another year

Xmas is already on its way to knock our door, and I almost let it go by without taking a breath of it :-). Time indeed flies.

Unlike many years in the past, this year I want it to be ended fast. I guess I have always wanted to have the end of year goes fast. I wonder why. Probably I am a-looking-forward person. Maybe the fact of expecting the new year makes me feel exciting about anything comes along with it. Anyway, this year in particular, I want it to end fast because it has been a rough year, and that being said I want to see some big changes in the year coming.

Like many of my friends said, this year had a bad beginning but the end has turned out fine. Things started to fall into their places (to my surprises), and that makes me believe more that everything happens for a reason. Yep, karma really works ;-).

Isn't it contradictory that every year I am looking forward to a good new year, and then as well looking forward for its end? I surely have become more patient (or at the least learn how to be), the truth is this year has taught me many lessons that I think I was lucky enough to have experienced them because they certainly made me stronger.

Happiness is for someone who stops expecting it, but let it come naturally.


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