Cheese and wine party
It was nice to see Irina and managed to talk to her a bit. We had different sort of wines, mainly Italian and French to see what kind of wine, year, region, that is cool. For me, I can only distinguish whether it is French or Italian and maybe a bit of luck the year but not the region.
Everybody was surrounding Aibo, patting it like a real dog :-) "Come on doggy, stand up now", or " Owner, registration, dance", "oh, he recognised me" (???). Well, one thing we have to keep in mind that we shouldn't walk around the house naked, it takes pictures and send it wirelessly. It was funny when Cris told me that Aibo was chasing her dog, Chica around the appartment, nd was not happy when she pet Chica. "c'mon, get real" :-))), "no, it's true" :-). They just pet him where there wasn't any sense, like a real dog. Just hilarious. We didn't have good music because Jeremie is not a music kinda guy, so Fox became the DJ.
I took a piece of chocolate cake with me when I left :-)
Everybody was surrounding Aibo, patting it like a real dog :-) "Come on doggy, stand up now", or " Owner, registration, dance", "oh, he recognised me" (???). Well, one thing we have to keep in mind that we shouldn't walk around the house naked, it takes pictures and send it wirelessly. It was funny when Cris told me that Aibo was chasing her dog, Chica around the appartment, nd was not happy when she pet Chica. "c'mon, get real" :-))), "no, it's true" :-). They just pet him where there wasn't any sense, like a real dog. Just hilarious. We didn't have good music because Jeremie is not a music kinda guy, so Fox became the DJ.
I took a piece of chocolate cake with me when I left :-)
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