Girl talk

"I went to two baby showers last weekend, it likes babies are poping out all over the places, I can even step on them. And god, all the noises they make. Horrible."
"Oh yeah, tell me about it"
"I remembered the first time I changed diapers when I was baby sitting, i do not like their shit, then their nose were running, saliva...They don't have manners. I would prefer to take care of old people"
"Are you crazy?Old people are even worse, imagin if you have to change clothes for an old guy, his balls hang like tea-bags" ;-)
"Oh, no please"
"The worse thing with people who have babies is that once they have babies, they start making their faces like babies. Terrible. I don't like babies"
"Nooo, they are babies, you like them"
"Uhhhhh, no"
"What's about when you have your own babies?"
"Then, it's ok because it's my dirt"
"Well, guys, can we pls change the subject? After all, we are still talking about babies" ;-)
...."let's talk about guys" ;-)
"Anything new?"
phone ring
"Thao, not again...who is that?"
"Sorry ;-), it's not my fault that too many guys like me ;-))"
"OOHHHH, pleassssse elaborate"
Read out sms "how are you? I walked the whole day today, so tired. I forgot to say that you looked super cute on Fox's birthday"
phone keeps on ringing
"Ah beh, who is it this time?"
LOL..."Jeeze, can't believe it, another one"
read out sms "Hi, how was your weekend?"
"You should definitely go for either of them"
I must be crazy to listen to them ;-)
At 11:09 AM,
Chen said…
babies are babies :)
they can be "angels" at one time and can be "evil" at other time.
At 3:44 PM,
Vagabonder said…
Certainly. I guess depending on which baby we talk about? Our own or the other women's baby ;-)
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