
Apparently, it's a Tibetian restaurant since I hace not been to Tibet (this is the number one destination that no matter what I will go there once), but they cook a lot of beans, and dishes are very simple. So, I guess it's close to Tibetian cuisine. Maybe because of the location and hard life, they don't have fresh vegetables, besides eating beans also helps to fight the cold. I think a lot of typical cuisine has a lot to do which what the local people can get from their agriculture.
In VN, eating vegetarian is even nicer, maybe because there are more fresh veggies, and many dishes are prepared with different kind of tofu, and I love tofu!
Anyway, this restaurant has a huge collection of tea ;-) (they also have a very nice shop next to the restaurant), some tea named Man, Woman... To be on the safe side, we chose the Sorig evening, it's a tea that ease that nervous tension and take away the impression of tireness ;-). Don't know that it works, but I am sure a lot of it has to do with our psychological mind, we think that it will indeed take away the impression of women have with our different type of creams (anti-wrinkle, anti-stress...) or masks ;-))
Very nice restaurant, and usually during weekend, they have live, romantic ;-P.
...And the Dalai Lama is in Brussels. He is giving a three days sessions of teaching how to practice Buddism in our times, and the tickets are sold out (you see, he is as famous as Madonna ;-)). If there is one reason that one should be a Buddhist is the fact that Buddhism does not make Buddha a GOD (Dan Brown tried to explain in Da Vinci code that Jesus was human), he was a normal human being, who succeeded in finding happiness, and Buddism does not convince others to become Buddhist.
All religions teach us to do good, only how faithful we are in doing good, and not to confused between what's good, and what's not. We will get what we have seeded.
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