Afro dance

We had two days performances but we actually danced for 5 days, so at the end everybody was extremely tired. I personally had a terrible cold, during the rehearsal, my nose was running, and dropped on the floor like rain ;-). One of the girl said she hoped it would be better for me otherwise I would not be able to dance, I replied "no no, I have gone this far, I will perform anyway" ;-)
So, the show was quite successful, even though Sunday 3rd Jun was not as good as Sat, but everybody enjoyed. Our group went closer with each other, we practiced together before getting on stage, the teacher came to encouraged...there was such a synergy that you would not see elsewhere. I felt like I became a real african for 15 mins ;-), the transe did some good as I felt like there was someone else invaded inside me (sound spiritual enough?) ;-)
How about the audience? Well, everybody liked our performance the most, most of the other dances were accompanied by CD music, ours was with live percussions, and it was super cool.
Nervousness on stage? I loved being on stage ;-), was not at all nervous, actually if I was not sick, I think I could fly "over the river" or "harvesting" better result ;-)
Until next year, I think I will try some other dances as well.
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