The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


After several weeks of continuous heavy eating, we are suffering the blistering cold of winter. Brussels (or Belgium) has not been under this kind of cold air (it was -17 celcius yesterday) in a long time.

My train gets late almost every day at the moment, and there is no bus taking me from the station to the company, so I walk. It is much better to walk than waiting for a bus that probably won't come although at the time when I arrive to my company, I can no longer feel my toes ;-). Anyway, we have to admit that it is nice to finally have a normal winter.

On the other note, we are now in 2009, and as most of experts have forecasted, this year will be a difficult year because we are plunging into a deep financial crisis, recession. So, those of us who are having a job should be pleased, and be content to stick around until the situation gets better (don't expect it to be end of this year, it may last until end of 2010). If we manage to still have a job, it already means good. In those time, it will be better to plan some savings (yeah, always easy to say but always difficult to do ;-)).

Enough with the pessimistic view, let's talk about books, movies, foods,...;-). I am reading a book called "The Great Tranfomation" at the moment, it is about compassion and empathy work best in time like the one we are in now, the Axial is not only about history but about how doing good and bad has led the world into where we are today. I also bought a couple of more books, going to Canada for two weeks, and I plan to read a lot during those vacation time apart from sightseeing and keeping myself being killed on the snowboard slope ;-).

Other than that, I also went to the Buddha Smile exhibition in Bozar, Brussels. It is an exposition on Korean Buddhism, the metal arts in Korea, and was very much impressed of Korean's precision in artworks.

On the art note, I wish everyone a Happy 2009!


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