Small get together with Chinese classmates

Since they have been whining about not eating rice for some time, I decided to have them over for a small dinner. To be honest, I like many things about China, the country, the history, and maybe because the culture is close to VN (if not to say we, Vietnamese has been deeply influenced). So far, I think people from North China is very warm, friendly, and they speak what they think, polite. People from the south is a little bit too diplomatic, and sometimes arrogant. But it does not really matter of where they are from, I like hanging out with them, and we enjoy each other's company. I guess because of the unspoken understanding, and we discuss about things without having to explain what and what.
Maybe it is also because we like cooking, tasting food, and their knowledge with wines is impressive. Doreen is funny to talk to, maybe because she is a little older than us, the way she sees life is really practical ;-). She was talking about how strange it was for her when her husband told her that he had a surprise for her. In China, she said a surprise means gift ;-), and as she expected him to give her something, he showed her that he had fixed the lamp in the house ;-). Apparently she told him that it was not a surprise because it was HIS duty as a man in the house to do so ;-). I think she drives her husband crazy, and there must be a lot of things that she has taught him (or train??). For me, she is hilarious...
Anyway, Brussels Jazz Marathon is on agenda, and hopefully I will be able to at least enjoy a couple of good bands this year...But it looks like I am gonna miss it this time...
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