The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

About space cake ;-)

I thought I would write something about my experience of "space cake" since it was quite special ;-).

Most of my close friends heard the funny story that I told them about "space cake", but well, here it goes again ;-). Before I visited Amsterdam for the first time, most of my friends had recommended me to try "space cake" ;-), the first time I heard about it, I thought I didn't get the name right, "space cake"?, and then found out that the name had spoken for itself-"cakes that sends you straight to space, stoned in other words", but my friends only explained what it was, but didn't tell me where to find them in Amsterdam ;-). So, destination Amsterdam ;-), me hunting for the famous local speciality cake ;-), after strolling on the streets of Amsterdam, I was happy to see a bakery on the way back to the train station, so I went straight in, and one of the ladies who were there for a "space cake" (thinking to bring it back to Brussels to share with my friends), I still can remember clearly that all of them were looking at me as if I was coming from an outerspace ;-), rolling their eyes, narrowing their eyebrowes, and told me very shortly "we don't have space cakes here!". I went out of the bakery shop, felt a bit confusing and disappointed ;-). Of course, later I know that it was made with drugs...

Anyway, I told this story to some of my friends who know me well, and every time it gives them a big laugh, but noone has tempted to bring back a piece for me until two weekends ago ;-). One of my friends went to Holland, and he brought back what he called a mysterious surprise ;-) (curiousity kills the cat-you might advise ;-), and of course, he didn't say that it was from Holland. My friends tricked me into eating it, and because they know me, and they told me that "I made it, try it, and let's me know so I can improve". Well, it tasted it dry and old ;-), but I was being polite, so I skipped the old part, I said "yeah, it tasted ok, but a bit dry". Only when I finish the cup cake look alike ;-), they said "Thao, you just had "space cake"".

The result was rather nasty. I didn't feel anything at first, and because we were in Gent for the Gent Fiest, we had only bad foods, and beers, I felt happier and happier (which was very good), but then they proposed to go on a ride (one of those that turns you upside down from very high above)...yeah, now you probably get the picture. I threw up twice that day, and stayed in the bed the whole next day, feeling so stoned and dizzy ;-). The only thing I remembered was that every time they asked me after the ride, I continued saying "No, not so good" whilst at the begining I said " I feel very happy" ;-).

Well, they promise that we will try again "sapce cake" without the ride part, but I really doubt that hehehehe


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