The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Source Thermal d'Akitsu"

If you have been the one who read my blog often, you would have noticed how much I complained and felt disappointed about the world we are living today. I just realised that not only me, not only now but through the "lettres" of Katherine Manfields (around 1918-), she also was disappointed about her world, about the period when she lived in. It is just incredible to see how precise her words were to describe people. I wish I could write like her. I don't know why but it is like I really know her through her letters. Again, the paper letters really have a big impact on people, not like emails eventhough I have always been careful on what I write in them (emails).

Somehow I become a bit poetic ;-). But that does not stop me from being sad when I saw millions of Ethiopians died of hunger, or children who have no foods to eat, and when I looked at their fragile bodies, I was sure that a breeze of wind could carry them far. Feeling these horrible sadness make you stronger, they have a power to make your problems small, and help you to stop complaining or arguing about silly things because somewhere else problems are bigger, and worse nobody cares!

Anyway, I feel much love in me today ;-), and if carrying a carton board around my neck with one of those "free hugs" written on it does not make me look ridiculous, I would definitely do it!. Yesterday, I went to see an old Japanese movie, "La source Thermale d'Akitsu", it was about a very melancholic love story. The movie was slow but it was cute and was made beautifully. I was happy when it finished because it was slow and sad. The girl died at the end, she killed her herself when she realised that she fell in love with the wrong guy, a guy who came to her for a few days, and then left her for years eventhough she was the one who saved his life...So much for love, I guess.

Nowadays, how many of girls and women fall for the wrong guys before they actually meet someone decent or worse of all, some of them never meet the right guy. One of my friends (and this coming from a guy who also looks for real love from a woman, and most men will surely agree ;-)) that "women are always attracted by the bad guys, if we treat them good, they do not show appreciation but if we show them we don't want them, they run after us". Well, something like that.

Why that is, I wonder.


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