The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Condolence on the death of Sofia's grandma

Yeah, got the bad news from Sofia this morning, her grandma passed away on Tuesday evening, I thought of mine. It's tough to live away from family especially when these things happen.

At least I know her grandma passed away peacefully, we say when a person lived healthy and passed away without much suffering (illness, vegetable life...), it's because they have done lots of good deeds. I hope this will give Sofia a bit of consolation.

I didn't cry much on the day my grandpa passed away, I don't know where my tears have gone, maybe it was because I was not there to see him, but I was wondering whether I would meet him when I die...My mom said he was unconciously asking whether I came home when he was in his bed, I cried every time I thought about this.

This bad news has put me in a sad mood...


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