The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Welcome to the beerland, Ciney

Have been in bed last few days due to laser surgery of eyes, today my eyes are getting better but still watering, so I guess I just need to wait until they are completely healed..It's funny that I still have the habit of taking off glasses when I go to bed or looking for them in the morning when I wake up and realise I don't need them anymore ;-).

So, now I can see the rain clearly without glasses ;-). Last Sunday, we went to the beer festival in Ciney. It was quite impressive, there were cheeses, sausages, and beer, beer, beer!!!Some beers I have never seen before. I tasted several ones (ok, only eyes were operated), there was one called flore something, tasted like a perfume..yuk... I wore my sun glasses but was so curious to see the name of each beer, so every time i took it off. Of course, my eyes could hardly open, so I looked like I was drunk, one lady asked me "cava mademoiselle?". Probably she thought I was an alcoholic ;-). Anyway, that was fun, and the celery cheese was mmmmm. BTW, I also got the Ciney beerland T-shirt, isn't that cool? ;-)))...Although the result is now my right eye get infected, but doctor says it will be fine, just it will take longer for the right eye to heal.. Well, like that I get spoiled longer hehehehhe..

This Sunday coming, we will go to Gent for the world flower festival, maybe I will also ask my uncle to come ;-) hmm, good idea?


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