The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Job interview

I had a phone interview this morning, it went through. So, tomorrow I am going to have an interview with Taiwan Airways. If I manage to get through this interview, the job should be interesting, meaning I can travel a lot, and learn about the airline industry... Of course, I am a bit nervous, but looking forward, and hopefully luck is with me this time. Having interview really doesn't mean anything, but still "you-never-know".

Have not told any of my friends, I know my phone wouldn't stop ringing if I tell them. They will get too excited for me, and then, imagin if I don't get it :-). I told my uncle, and already he said that let's plan the holidays :-).

Also still waiting for call from American Chamber of Commerce, they have a vacancy to fill in end of August, and I am sure that it fits my profile perfectly, but yeah, destiny, destiny, destiny...If the job is for me, it will be there! I hope I will be happy with job this time, is important.


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