Nhung's farewell

Well, Nhung finished her DA in Law, and heading back home this Friday. I asked if she would miss Brussels, she said she would miss Brussels a lot, but especially me ;-). She gave me a little gift and kept on saying that I should go home, too.
"Come on, you can find jobs easily in foreign companies there, there are plenty. And just in case you are more attracted to white guys, there are many cute white guys working near the Notre Dame church ;-)"
"Who said I am attracted to white guys?, just that not many VNese guys impressed me ;-)"
BTW, Nhung is 24 and although she plans to get married this time when she comes home, she doesn't cook, love shopping, and flirty type of girl-is this the modern portray of Vnese girl? scary, isn't it? I rather stay traditional, one man, one love ;-)
We went to eat Greek, so lots of meat ;-((. Aunty Vinh invited us. She is a real patriot, another good being, she is someone whom I have much respect. She speaks Dutch, French, learning sign language and ancient Greek. She teaches Vnese to children here, and teaches French to Vnese newcomers. She kicked out two husbands, and managed to teach a Belgian fiance EVERYTHING about VN (although their relationship also didn't last).
Her special profile: Almost being shot by a Belgian guy
Why? in a fight ;-)
He started :"Jaune, je te cause pas"
She: "Blanc bec, je ne reste pas sous le meme toit que toi"
I am going to help her cooking for a wedding end of this month, and although have many things to learn from her, she can be sometimes to agrressive ;-)
BTW, I started using my MSN space to post pictures, easier there. I looked at old pictures of me from before. Gosh, I looked like a real nerd, and OLD OLD OLD
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