The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Notebook

When I talked to my mom the other day, she told me that my little cousin asked her if she knew what I like ;-). My mom was surprised and curious why she suddenly asked that question, so she said "No", and my cousin (she is 7 years old) said proudly "I know what sister Thao likes, she like travelling, reading, her favourite actor is Bruce Lee, she likes to eat Bun Bo hue (a sort of noodle soup from central of VN that is very spicy and hot), and she liked someone in her class, too ;-)"

My mom asked how did she knew all that, and apparently she found one of my school notebook. In VN, at the end of elementary school and high school, I used to give my classmates a notebook, where on the first page I wrote and introduce myself, and asked everybody to write something about themselves, a passage of poems, or paragraph of their favourite books and so forth to remember them because later you would probably move to another school or took paths that different from the others...

So, yeah, it was nice to hear that, so I asked mom to send it over to me to help me with my book because there are many friends I have not heard or seen them for years.

This reminds me a movie that I have seen named "The notebook". It was about two person loves each others, and of course they went throuhg many problems, the guy's family was not as rich as noble as the girl's family, but despite challenges, they finally were together. Then they got older, the woman suffered Alzeimer, she forgot him, so she had to live in a pension house, he decided to go and stay there with her, every day he reads their love letters that they wrote to each other to remind her, and at one specific moment, she remembered him again, only for 10 mins or something, then her mind set back again to the forgotten state...It made them (and of course the man specially suffered alot) cry every time at that specific moment, but he kept on doing that. I couldn't help wondering if this sort of love only exists in movie? ;-) Well, you probably see where I am going to...

A part from that, I saw Negina and Jim on Sunday for brunch. Who decide on how much gestures do you need to make to show someone that you love them? Meet Negina and Jim, and you will see all ;-).


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