The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Kariboe-Leuven shopping

Just came back from indoor climbing...

Went to Leuven with Delzoe, Gabor, and Ruben to buy climbing gears this morning in Kariboe, we were at the shop around 10am, just in time for its opening, and there were plenty of people in the shops already. It's a really nice shop, but finding a good pair of climbing shoes was really not easy. It should be like wearing socks, not to tight, not too loose. Now I have my own harness, shoes, and security and a book entitled "the world's most dangerous places" (to get the excitement to visit dangerous places or to know the danger to not go?:-)). Of course, I get back 21% VAT, which is much better than 15% discount the shop gives..hmm, how do I do that? only a small trick :-)

Afterward, we went to Dewerf for lunch, very nice cafe, and plenty of people were there having brunch...I like Leuven very much, cute town...Gabor told me if I want to learn Dutch, then he can recommend me a small student place to stay for a month and go to intensive course like he did. Didn't know Delzoe has a Taiwanese girlfriend, and apparently they own a restaurant in Mechelen, that's why he is so busy, only open the climbing room three days a week.

We went back to climb, and they all made fun of me since I was so excited with my new shoes, very trendy, I love them! BTW, they also did magic :-), I felt that i did better with my own shoes although Ruben thinks that "20% is your own effort, and 80% depends on your new shoes". I like climbing with Ruben because he always encourages: "C'mon, partner, make me proud" or "no, back on the wall" :-). He is going to Cuba for a month in August, so I will help him to come to his place to water the plants in August. I planned to go to Southern France-Barcelona in August, but now with job's situation, I asked uncle if we could remove the trip to September, which will leave me more time to do job search. If not, a trip back to VN in Oct is on.

I was telling Ruben this afternoon, when he came back from Cuba, I will do so much better, that if he wants to climb, I will tell him that I won't climb with beginner :-))

Ghent festival is on, but I don't think I will have time, and next weekend, I will go outdoor climbing with the guys again, can't wait :-)

Thought this website gives quite good info on climbing in Belgium:

...and for the shop
Click here


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