The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Boyfriend or lover? :-)

I have been running from one place to another since early this morning. I forgot my bank card in the machine since Friday, and only notice that when I was about to do shopping :-). So absent minded, I know.

Fox told me that I was getting too superstitious because I told him that I only had bad luck lately :-). Even my phone, it is not working properly, the battery fell out by itself or it just turned off. i noticed that only now when I took it out from my bag. It likes there is a ghost following me, how freaky is that? :-)

Anyway, I thought about the different between boyfriend/girlfriend or lover when I was running this morning.

According to definitions:

Lover means "a person in love, esp a man in love with a woman", "an affectionate or benevolent friend" or "a person with whom one has sexual relations"

Boyfriend means "a male friend", " a frequent or regular companion of the girl or a woman", "a male lover"

So when one said lover, does it say something about love or is it purely a sexual relation? Is it better to say boyfriend or why does it sound so bad when you say "I have a lovvverrr" :-) instead of "I have a boyfriend"?? Is it because lover means something brief, short, and with different people? :-), nothing serious whereas boyfriend as said frequent and regular?

Boyfriend does sound better, don't know why, maybe because it involves the "friend" factor?

Hmm, I really have nothing to think of :-))


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