The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"Thao, the worm killer" ;-(

25-06-2005: Oskarshamn-Oland-then back to Figeholm

The day after mid-sommar, we went to Oland, abit further from Oskarsham, an island where most Swedes go to to celebrate mid-summer.

It was raining, weather was not so good, we walked around, nothing really interesting, but many more blonds than in Figeholm or Oskarshamn. I remembered when I said "Where are the blonds? ", Frank said "you meant blond gals?", me "err, or guys?" ;-), he turned to Sofia "and you told me she is an angel", I just laughed "I am, but with certain defined people", Sofia "indeed". There are many Indians in Oland with their shops, strange.

We paased by the summer house of Swedish royal family, and a ruin, but decided not to visit as we have to pay for that., no interested.

We got back to Figeholm around afternoon time, had a tea, and prepared for fishing. Of course, I had to catch the earth worms because either Sofia or Fox wanted to do that. I am not afraid of them, when I was small, used to look for them in the soil, and there were much bigger ones, i used to put them on my palm, and showed it my youngest uncle, he used to tell me how disgusting it was what i did ;-).

But my karma just went down when we managed to get on the boat, went to an island, and started fishing. I had to put them on the hook, and that wasn't something I wanted to do ;-(. I still feel guilty, and the guilt is eating my mind. Fox killed many worms at the end, Sofia killed one, and I killed 4 of them!! I feel very bad. I think it was my first fishing experience and will also be the last.

We went home with two fishes, and the engine was not working well, and Fox had to row for a while before we started it again. Got home about 10pm, exhausted. Sofia coughed a lot.

In bed, a song flashed in head "I'm a big big girl, in a big big world, and it's not a big big thing if you leave me but I true true feel that i true true will miss you...", strange when you are in a mood, everything else seems to be there for us to think about, book, music, discussions... It is a bit scary when we chose a road in life or a direction, we couldn't go back, had to accept the outcome the way it turned out to be. Anyway, it is better to look forward than to the past because there are things we can't undo.


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