Passion, Life hacker...
I have been taking tango for several of weeks now and I really enjoy it. The first several times, it's all awkward because not only it's like you are learning to walk all over again but also you have to let your partner lead you. Tango is all about playing it seems :-) and well, we like games, don't we?. Although both should learn the steps, the men are usually the ones to have to send the correct signals, to take charge so that women do what they wish them to do. Sound very sexist but that really is about Tango.
It is also such a passionate and sensual dance and honestly we could use a bit of passion :-) every now and then to make our lives a bit spicier and fun. The music, the touch and the way two people connect to each other, it is great.
That leads me to the subject of passion :-). Valentine was two days ago and for a lot of people here, it is a pretty much commercial event. I agree for a valid reason, we can all spoil our loves any time, any day, it does not necessary need to be on Valentine. However, when you think about it, how often do we actually express love? Maybe the main point here is that we do not need to buy something to make the other person feel special or loved on that special day, maybe just a simple gesture of caring, of saying love, of making a joke to make someone laugh. Besides, if you do love a lot, who care an extra day where you can actually say how much you love :-). Love is great and it is absolutely wonderful to be in love, so no matter how commercial Valentine may have sounded, I still think it is nice to do something a little crazy that day :-).
Anyway, life hacker, nothing to do with passion of course :-). I have recently been familiar with this term, it appears that there are professional life hackers who get paid to help you organised your life or organizing someone's else is a strong statement, maybe to help you to get rid of those little things in life that bother you. I think we are quite inventive specie. Nowadays most people are all the time connected to Facebook or other social networks, all of these have just somehow make us overwhelmed, we are marketed differently, selling has just gone up to a different level of channel...So, you need to organize your social network profiles (if you have any). There comes adviser, trainer, life hacker for this sort of things, people who have solutions to make your profiles, your company, your products...a bit more appealing. I could be one if I spend my day on those networks :-). Honestly, is it the next step? All my friends start using those networks more often than I see them...I begin to worry that soon I will see them online more than their faces. Maybe one day we will even forget to use our senses and our entire life is linked to a machine and no, no space attack, only we do that to ourselves. This is scary!
I agree that at some points, we grow, we develop eventually, so just a step to take but to what limit? Most teenagers do not pass French as a language and it is their mother tongue, really? soon we can't even write in our own language!
Let's twit!
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