The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Friday, May 20, 2005

Will you cheat on your bachelorette party? or a 3some ;-)

Me and Fox went to Yamato yesterday. I love this noodle soup place, they have so good ramen! I am always full after that eating there. There were not a lot of people yesterday, we didn't have to wait long, and there were still empty seats. (Fox is invited to go to a wedding with a gorgeous black girl (she wants him to go with him!!!)-she is damn beautiful, she should fill her name in for the Miss Belgian contest!!!)

Afterwards, it is a usual girl nite at Jeremy's place. Apparently Cris is going to church very often now (well, she wants to have her wedding in a church), and after several unsucessful attempts to bribe the priest ;-). So, we are now waiting for the big day, I can feel it is probably about time. She talks about it constantly, probably that is only that in her head now, she is also more quiet, sleepy... Why people can become quite boring when they plan on getting married, I wonder if I would be talking to my friends about me getting married constantly, or do not enjoy a girl night anymore..etc.

(We drank a lot wines, and smoked some cigars, eating a lot of chips, dried sausages, and although there was a movie we were planning to watch, we just keapt on talking-no good music, btw ;-((

At the same time, she doesn't feel like staying at his place alone because she is not working, so sometimes she cooks, doesn't want to project an image of a perfect wife ;-). Irene (the Spamish girl-party animal) broke the conversation by "will you cheat on your barchelorette party?", "No"-Cris said, "Why not?" I asked amusingly, Irene looked at me smiling, "because I can't not sleep with the guy I don't love, I will just flirt with him or dance a bit";-). "I would also flirt and dance, feel sexy...". Irene is maintaining a long distance realtionship with her Italian boyfriend, so one weekend she goes to Rome, another he comes to Brussels. She is going out very often, almost every day, seeing a lot of guys including her ex-boyfriend..and they are in "good relationship" as well. "So, how can you guys trust each other?" I asked, "well, I have done bad thing to him although I try not to now" Irene said. "My boyfriend was a virgin when I met him, and it is nice to date a virgin although you will be worried because they might want to try other women", Irene seriously said ;-)., It was funny when Irene told us that she bought a handcuff from a sex shop for her boyfriend, and when she passed the custom door, they asked her to open her handbag and asked what was it? ;-) (thank god, no dildo!!)

Then we talked about Marzio's new girlfriend, Korean girl but grew up in South Africa, apparently none of the girls like her. "She is fake, and probably she doesn't love him" Cris said, "I agree, I also think she is fake but I think she does want a relationship with him" Irene continued, "I think she is beautiful, I definitely need to let my hair grow longer again" I said. All of them laughed. Stephane is bisexual apparently ;-), "guess what, Marzio said he wouldn't mind to try a threesome with "two guys and one girl" scenario instead of "two girls and one guy", he could be gay" Irene said ;-). I nodded wisely "definitely" ;-))). "does Steven call you? he asked for your number, so I gave it" Irene asked, "yes, we went out for drink, but I don't think it will work, he is quite young" I smiled.

Carina came in. Carina is Russian, also very pretty, and she was wearing a low cut jean with a white top, blue pale leather jacket. "Looking good girl, where did you find that sexy low cut jeans, I can't find any that really looks good on me, and for the record I want to show my tatoo" I said. "In Russia of course, more expensive though, it is the most fashionable city (oh dear, who said that?), the clothes I find there, they come to Belgium f*cking months later" Carina loudly replied. "So, where are you working now Thao?", she asked, " Still in Sony, but with Web merchandising, more e-commerce", "yeah, It is big now, I am going to do master in IT in Boston university" Carina said. "you?" I asked, "I am working as an intern, not earning a lot money, doing projects on medical equipments with countries like China, they can sell within EU..etc, I want to write a book on international politics..." she went on and on, I didn't listen. You can feel it when someone is frustrated and insecure, and I have encountered with "Eastern European girls" symtoms-girls are beautiful, come from rich family, have strong characters, are over confident, party animals and want to get married (to stay in Europe or to have a family).

Anyway, Carina talked about her date with her ex-boyfriend's bestfriend (Ouch!!), and how she ended up with her ex because of his fight with a paranoid girlfriend of him in front of her house...Weird.

We plan to go to Greece in July for gorgeous Greek men, "what we need, girls are bikinies, and a lot of condoms! BTW, talking about that, I still have to empty my handbag because I still have some in there, actions in the car" Carina said. Hilarious.

She wanted to go out at 12pm, but I went home, and nobody felt like going out, she picked a fight with Irene because of that, "We always have to follow your f*cking idea, what you want.." Oops, time to get home.

I wonders if they are searching for love, is this how fabulous singles behave? it is nice to go out and meet with people, but hey how many of us really find a person where love chemistry produces instead of one night stand that will lead to "unhappy" sex. How many guys who really want to fall in love and not just look for a girl to go home with? Are they all desperate, hopeless people who don't beleive in true love? It is sad, I don't see myself hang out in bar for that, I want a man who loves me unconditionally, crazily, who makes me "can't wait to go home", to have breakfast with, take a walk with, share sadness and happiness with, go through difficult time....I thought I found one.

Everything needs its time. We were born with plans already made for us.

Irina's news "I met some Vietnamese people! And guess what the Program Officer for Vitnam (and PO has to always be international) is from Belgium, a Flemish guy... Really smart and active!!!
So your country really has smth to do with those Belgians :)"


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