The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Monday, May 23, 2005

An ugly frog-"pourriez vous venir chez moi?"

I planned to stay home on Saturday to watch the Eurovision, and would join Katherine in Havana, but ended up hanging out with Sofia, Gorgia and Trond for the nite (after hundreds of text messages from different people, who has same interest but different want and need: jazz marathon but dance or listen to good jazz). Decided to go for good jazz: a sexy saxophone sound and good vocal, so we went to the Monk, but since Sofia and Gorgia didn't look at the date carefully, we waited for a live DJ (nothing special), and that was it. Although at the end we left quite late from PP in St Gery, not everyone satisfied with the nite. I was home again at 2am.

Trond dropped me and Sofia at the beginning at Rue de Hennin, me and Sofia walked home, and just when we arrived at my place and about to said good nite to each other, an African frog came to us "je peux vous demander quelque chose mais ne vous facher pas", "ok, qu'est ce que vous voulez?" I asked, having mind he might want to know the way around or something..."je voudrais demander si vous voulez vernir chez moi, j'habite tout pres ici" I looked at Sofia, then turned to him VERY POLITELY said "ca nous interest pas". But the frog still insisted "Je connais beaucoup des afraicaines mais je ne veux pas, je ne veux que votre couleurs-referred to me or Sofia- je peux vous payer" OMG, I lost my patience!!! (and Sofia didn't get the part when he said he would pay). I said to him very loud "cache toi parce que maintenant je suis vraiment fachez, ok?On va pas coucher avec toi meme si tu paie parce que nous ne sommes pas les prostitutes, compris?". I think my face was really red, I have never got that mad in my life and he was embarrased, so he said "ok, ne vous fachez pas.., merci", and left. Actually he lives just on the other side, gonna tell my uncle when I see him again!!! Sofia said we should have punched this guy and beaten him when I told her that he offered to pay us. Imagin- We didn't even dress up in skirt or anything sexy, we were in JEANS. Maybe I should move, don't know how many times I got this sort of things. Another time when I was on the way home from Sofia place on Ave Louise, there was a guy masturbating and showing his penis to me, I remembered I ran home, was so nervous that he followed me, and when I got home, my whole body was still shaking...Anyway, real perverts are quite dangerous!! They eat too much meat!!!

Sofia booked our tickets with Ryan Air for the midsummer party in Sweden. Yeah, I am going to Sweden for a couple of days in June. We will stay at Sofia's summer cottage in Figeholm where they will have midsummer feast, drinking schnapps, eating fresh potatoes, fishes, berries with whipped cream together with fishing activities on her boat. Maybe mushroom picking..;-) hmm Apparently, Sweden is also a source of many outdoor activities: snowboarding, white water rafting, hiking, rock climbing (areas are significiantly less crowded-something that attracts a growing number of international climbers) with magnificent mountain scenery...

I hope one day I will climb so I can enjoy the undisturned wilderness of some parts of the world. I would be lucky to be with someone who shares the same dream, exploring the world's nature in its wild forms, escaping the hassle of life to feel in other world even if it was just for a short time...Something like going throught the dessert with camels, trekking in Nepal, following horse's trace in Mongolia...I will definitely excert one of these wildest dream.

It's amazing how long me and Sofia have known each other, almost 6 years by now. We come from different background, having different characters, and although there was time we gett mad or disappointed at each other but at the end we always manage to talk things through. Probably that's how we keep our friendship going, we are not happy, we talk about it, and forget all about it.

How many of us do treasure a relationship?


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