The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Makeover in VN

It has been raining a lot those days in Saigon, in Central of VN is worse. Every year, storms, hurricane wiped away with them people or houses, leaving people in famine or no places to go. For many rich countries, it is not really a big problem, but for VN, a small hurricane could already bring serious damages...

Hue is covered with water, and it seems to get worse with the effect from neighbours of VN that are also hit by hurricanes. I have been bitten by mosquitoes, and my legs look very weird now ;-), all red and so itchy. Besides, central of Vn is also very hot, so I got serious sun burn, my skin is falling off like a snake, so disgusting hehehe. So far it's fun but it is hard for me to see plenty of children or elder people whose skin is dark and skinny working around, trying to sell, I feel my heart squeezed.

Compare to any cities, Saigon is really a city for fun and going out, it's a city where you spend money fast and a lot, whereas the rest of VN is rather poorer...Vnese women are washing themselves with whitening stuffs to make their skin brighter, even Nivea says "Whitening" on the label ;-), and there are plenty of beauty salon here, wanna to have a boob, nose, lips, teeth, eyebrowns job, stairghten hair or else, here is the place, it looks good and cheap at the same time ;-). Especially when you can't have children and need treatment, this is apparently the place, there are plenty of Vnese from abroad or even foreigners who come here to try to find many Vnese doctors are good in this area. No kidding!!!

I am lucky this time to be able to meet up with my friend who studied with me in Anthropology department of HCM university, she came back from the US but is soon going back to US. We were not so close, but it is always good to meet up with friends whom you didn't see for a long time, and travel to together bring you closer as well.

Gotta go, seem like this machine wants to abandon me ;-)


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