The Tao of Thao

The joy of living with no regrets

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy 2010!

First of all, let me just wish everybody for a good year 2010 with plenty of love and happiness.

There is, of course, no need for me to say that 2009 went by very quickly as if it was only yesterday.

2010 will be a year where I have to do a couple of trips. My grandma is quite sick at the moment, she has gastric cancer and because of her age, there is nothing more the doctor can do to help. This piece of news came to me as a sad surprise, more as a melancholic shock, my grandma has always been very healthy, she exercises and does Yoga every single day. My mom and her follow a healthy diet. So nobody knows until she complains about a her stomach pain. I think living healthy nowadays is not about to live longer but to survive. No matter what you do due to pollution your metabolism just can't function properly. Aren't we contributing to our own destruction? seems to be a pointless question. In any cases, I hope my grandma does not suffer a lot and I will try to be able to see her as long as I can. In fact, after spending weeks on disgesting the news, I am happy that my grandma is surrounded by family and relatives who love her.

I have a few plans in 2010, which I wish I can start and continue by end of year. One of them is to create a new blog and to write in Vlaams ;-). The thing is that I have been following evening courses but without being able to practice it on a daily basis, it seems I study in vain. Therefore, I determine to take some actions and take the language that I like a bit more seriously. My Vlaams grammar is not so bad but my vocabulary is rather poor and since I like writing, I think it will be a way for me to improve the language.

Happy New Year!