Getting old fabulously :-)

Yeah, so I have aged one more year. To be honest, there has been several moments this year and especially on my BD where I feel extremely old :-). for instance, when a young girl (may I say that she is 26 years) said " I will organise a party and invite you, there are also other older sisters there" *ok, I almost choked there* but well, I admit the intention was good, she did want me to feel old at her party :-). When my mom was in the company of a baby and turned to me " when are you going to have one of those?", she did make me feel like maybe I am running out of time or eggs soon :-) or when the same young girl suggested that I should get married and when i asked why, she answered " to have baby" ;-).
However, I felt great when I received phone calls from friends living on the different sides of the planet or when certain gentlemen sent me weird BD wishes such as these, the one of Bruce is a special one though because I am indeed a big fan of Bruce :-) and not to count the plenty of BD wishes from friends who I haven't seen/heard for years via facebook :-). They made me smile and laughed.
Apart from that, I still feel the same, still wonderful and fabulous :-). I was taken to a Selecto, a super tasty trendy resto in Rue du Flandre in downtown by a friend, that whole thing made me feel like a little girl again :-). Did I mention I loved their food? and that's not it. My usually celebrate my BD for two weeks hahaha