I guess the whole hotel experience would not be interesting if there is no moment of embarrassment or try to hold your temper in front of a unwillingly to compromise person ;-).
I find it is amazing how some parents do not know how to educate their children. Last week, when I was working in the excutive lounge, there was a kid who came to use the computer, but there were some other kids using it. He waited like 5 mins, and turned to me "excuse me, do you know how long he will use the computer?", and then 5 mins after "can you ask him?", 5 mins after "can you tell him that I am waiting?...My patience ran out since the second time he asked me because of the way he asked, it was rude and to be honest if he was my kid, I would slap his face, no seriously. So, after the second time I turned to the spoiled brat "Listen, am sorry but he was there first, you either have to be patient or go ask him yourself because he is also a guest here, I can't do much".
Not so long ago, when I had cross-training, and had to do room service. There was one couple who ordered room service, and when I knocked their door, and they opened, there they were in front of me, the man who just had his willy hanging in the air, and the woman comfortably still laid in bed naked ;-). No need to tell you how hard I had to hold my breath, and tried to concentrate on their breakfast. "So, what did you do?" well, maintaining eye-contact because basically you couldn't stare at them or looked away...And it was kinda awkward when I asked them where they'd like to put their breakfast, and the answer was "on the bed, please", and the woman was still lying ;-). Heeehe, I handled it quite well although I really couldn't wait to get out of their room...Phew...;-)
Difficult to read people, why did they order room service, knowing there would be people coming to their room, and still stayed naked? The answer is "well, Thao, welcome to the hotel world!" ;-)